Thursday, October 27, 2005


This morning I went to a "Pastor's Appreciation Breakfast." It was sponsored by a local Christian bookstore and several were in attendance. Now I've been to things like this before and there is a little cynical side to me that says, "What's in it for them?" And I know there is some reason for some of the cynicism. But I was pleasantly surpised. On top of a nice breakfast, we were all give probably over $150 of books. Bibles, other books, CDs, and a $20 gift certificate.
I had a boss who used to pop into my office and say "preciate ya". Then he was gone. I never really believed him. This, on the other hand, was nice. Not that I want physical things in spite of encouragement. It was just nice.
Ten lepers came to Jesus and He healed them all. Only one came back and thanked Him. "Didn't I heal 10?" Jesus asked. "Where are the other nine?" A simple "thank you" was all Jesus wanted. Only one came back to do so.
There must have been 30 or so of us there today. I wonder how many of them will thank the people who put this on? I did. Have a great day! And by the way, I appreciate you! JW

1 comment:

David U said...

I appreciate you too brother...enough to mention you in my blog today!