Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Ken Lay is Gone

I have been going through my somewhat normal routine today. Even though it's Wednesday and I didn't work Monday or Tuesday. So I'm doing Monday things on Wednesday. Anyway, I cranked up the internet to find that Ken Lay, founder of Enron, died of a heart attack. After all the stuff that went on, all the corporate raiding, the depletion of other's retirements for the filling of the pockets of another, he died. He was a wealthy least from the world's perspective. But I couldn't help but think of the passage, "What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world, yet lose his own soul?" I don't know what Ken Lay's ultimate destiny is. God knows and I trust His judgment. But it did help to think about what is really important in my life. Shall we pursue worldy wealth and treasures or take Jesus at His word? "Don't lay up treasures for yourself here on earth where moths destroy and rust corrodes, but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven." (MOV--My Own Version) Wherever he is, I imagine that none of this world matters to Ken Lay now. Maybe it would be a good lesson for us to learn. Have a great day. JW

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